Kemaman Sarawak Penanam pokok | jitra kerja kosong

    Kemaman Sarawak Penanam pokok | jitra kerja kosong

    05/06/2024 12:51:11(Sarawak Penanam pokok)

    Sarawak Penanam pokok | jitra kerja kosong Kanowit wang atas talian In terms of rental outlook, half of the respondents expected rents and incentives to be steady and remain flat in the coming months. Respondents in India and South Korea held the most positive views towards the rental outlook, while those in Greater China expected office rents to decline further. This trend of a flat rental performance has been in place since June last year, with a slight increase from 10% in December last year to a little less than 20% in March.

    Sarawak Penanam pokok | jitra kerja kosong Kajang duit online The office sector, on the other hand, remained the least favourite, with only 29% of the respondents saying it has an appetite for more space. Interestingly, only 19% of the respondents voted that it has a lesser appetite for space. The remaining respondents went for the neutral option, of which renewal vs relocation analysis was one of the top reasons.

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